Active Learning and Development through Sports and Fitness

Participation in sports and fitness is an integral part of growing up.

Without the opportunity to participate, children miss out on the positive effects sports and play have on development. These positive effects include regular exercise, team building, respect for themselves and others, a sense of achievement, and observance of rules.


R.O.C.K.’s active learning programs focus specifically on using the power of active play to influence the positive development of children in the program.


Skill Drills

Established in 1994, this thriving program is a fun, introductory sports program of clinics that focus on three rotating sports throughout the school year. Six-week long sessions introduce kids to soccer, basketball, and volleyball. Each three-hour session leads boys and girls in first through fifth grade through non-competitive skill development exercises and team-building activities.

Student Adult Leadership Training (SALT)

SALT is all about challenge and connection. Designed for middle and high school youth, SALT takes participants on challenging outdoor adventure opportunities and community service activities. SALT is set up much like Saturday Skill Drills, running for six-week intervals during the fall, winter, and spring.

Overnight Camps

California is home to amazing natural sights and experiences, and R.O.C.K.’s overnight camping excursions take full advantage of them. During the summer and winter, kids are taken on various age-appropriate overnight camping trips. These exciting trips often include activities like backcountry backpacking, whitewater rafting, and snowboarding.

General Recreation

One of the most important aspects of being a kid is play. Play and sports provide incredible opportunities to develop social skills, relationships with others, focus, and a healthy lifestyle. For many kids, being able to engage in sports and play isn’t a given. When considering the complete needs of an at-risk child, we often forget this. Through our after-school programs, R.O.C.K. consistently gives all elementary and middle school kids sports, fitness, and other general recreation opportunities.

Learn about our other programs:

Real Options For City Kids Signature Programs


See Our Effective Programs In Action

El Dorado Elementary School After School Program ROCK SF

El Dorado Elementary School

Discover how R.O.C.K. operates as the lead after-school program.

Visitacion Valley Middle School

Expanding with middle school children it was already serving.

Visitacion Valley Beacon Center

R.O.C.K. is the lead agency responsible for the Visitacion Valley Community Beacon.